AAI’s Inaugural Diplomatic Orientation & Engagement Program

April 5-6, 2019 in Queenstown, Maryland

The Africa-America Institute hosted its inaugural African Diplomatic Orientation & Engagement program in Queenstown, Maryland. An hour outside of D.C., Ambassadors, seasoned and new, and thought leaders across various sectors—including private, government and NGOs—convened for an event dedicated to supporting the success of the African Diplomatic Corps serving in Washington D.C. 

Over 60 guests attended the retreat, with representation from 20 African Countries. Adhering to Chatham House Rules, Ambassadors were able to engage in lively and informative discussions on a broad range of topics with experts on panels on a broad range of topics ranging from navigating the Executive and Legislative Branches to interacting with Western media. 

“The African Diplomatic Orientation and Engagement Program provided a tremendous opportunity for mutual learning and sharing among African Diplomats, the Diaspora, and segments of the American Corporate Community. This engagement also provided assurance of American continued commitment to Africa’s development and Africa’s partnership with the global community.”


Former U.S. Ambassador to the African Union

“I learnt so much during the course of the programme and had the opportunity to also engage the experienced stakeholders that were present. Great networking opportunity too.”

Minister Plenipotentiary/Deputy Chief of Mission
Embassy of the Republic of South Africa