School Services Program
Education for Liberation
The School Services program was originally launched in 1969 to “increase and improve teaching about Africa” in U.S. schools, and from 1972 to 1976 it flourished under the leadership of Evelyn Jones Rich, an activist and former New York City educator. Today the program employs pedagogical approaches inspired by the work of transformative scholars Gholdy Muhammad and Zaretta Hammond. AAI partners with primary and secondary schools in Southeast Michigan using pedagogical training, curriculum development, needs-based resources, and coaching and skills-building.
Pedagogical Training
We provide partner schools with pedagogical training that draws on results-oriented research about teaching, learning, and the brain. Each training session equips teachers to transform students, especially those who are disadvantaged by structural racism, into cognitively independent, high-achieving, life-long learners.
Curriculum Development
Our School Services Program provides content-focused training and supports the development of curriculum that is scholarly, free of bias, and misinformation. We support schools in creating curricula that serves as both "mirrors" for students of African descent and "windows" for all students to learn about diverse cultural experiences.
Needs-Based Resources
We provide variety of resources to strengthen school climate while elevating and learning from student voice, as they embrace their own learning. Resources at partner school sites are determined after a needs-based assessment and may include teaching materials, professional development, school personnel to strengthen school climates and/or improve student educational outcomes.
Coaching and Skills-Building
Our School Services Program provides coaching and skills-building that is designed to strengthen the capacity of school staff to demonstrate culturally responsive teaching and/or leadership. This includes cultivating the active support and engagement of all stakeholders - students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.