Our Mission

AAI bridges Africa and its diaspora to catalyze a more sustainable and equitable world.

The legacies of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Slavery, and Colonialism have far-reaching and enduring consequences across continents. One of the most pernicious consequences is a global structure of distorted education systems that perpetuate a false ideology of human hierarchy and inaccurate understandings about how the modern world was created. We are building long-term strategies to unhinge this legacy and repair the damage.

AAI believes that accurate, unbiased, and accessible education will advance racial justice - eliminating racist norms, assumptions, and frameworks. Fundamental to our work is liberatory education - centering scholarly and unbiased information about the creation of the modern world. We believe that supporting scholarship devoid of bias is a long-term solution to addressing these consequences and legacies. AAI envisions a world where Africa’s rich and powerful place in history is recognized, and that the systemic racial injustice embedded in our global systems can be dismantled through education, dialogue, and community.

This is why, at the Africa-America Institute, we take a transcontinental, multifaceted approach - bridging Africa and its diaspora in the Americas to catalyze a more sustainable and equitable world.

Our programs span across four impact pillars: Liberatory Education; Racial Healing and Reparatory Justice; Economic Sovereignty; and Community Building. Each body of work informs and synergizes the other, creating simultaneous action and leverage for deeper impact.

AAI has a storied institutional history, deep partnerships and convening power, and a commitment to excellence that, for the past 70 years, has catalyzed a more sustainable and equitable world.


Liberatory Education

AAI is reframing knowledge, re-orienting identities, and shifting mindsets to eliminate the ideology of human hierarchy through accurate, unbiased, and accessible education.

Community Building

We are fostering a community of leaders and partners who are catalyzing a more equitable and sustainable world, locally and globally.

Global Healing & Repair

AAI is pioneering a unified dialogue on healing and repair for Africa, the Global African Diaspora, and between.

Economic Sovereignty

AAI works in support of African nations to identify and realize greater opportunities for economic sovereignty.

AAI bridges Africa and its diaspora to catalyze a more sustainable and equitable world.

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