Bringing Together Our Remarkable Alumni to Document Their Stories

On June 24, 2024, the Africa-America Institute hosted an intimate dinner to convene our leading alumni in Ghana.  The dinner, organized on the occasion of the visit of the President and CEO of AAI, Mr. Kofi Appenteng, was held at Treehouse Restaurant in Accra.  Also in attendance were Mr. Kwesi Amoak (AAI’s Chief Storyteller), AAI alumnae: Sheila Menkah-Premo, Fitnat Adjetey, Barbara Ayesu and Justice Jane Quaye; social entrepreneur Ms. Margaret Ackyah Yensu (on behalf of Mr. Nik Amartefio, AAI board member) and Miss Felicia Appenteng, Senior Adviser to AAI.  

The alumnae present at the dinner were distinguished members of AAI’s Advanced Training for Leadership and Skills (ATLAS) program for Masters of Law (LL.M) degree at Georgetown University as part of a Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) initiative between 1992 and 1998. ATLAS is one of AAI’s transformative scholarships from the early 1960s to date, notable among them being the African Scholarship Program of American Universities (ASPAU) and the African Graduate Fellowship (AFGRAD). 

This event marks the important launch of a long-gestating project at AAI - constructing our living archive.  For several years, Mr. Amoak has traveled across the continent to document the remarkable stories and impact of AAI’s 23,000 plus alumni. To support this urgent work, AAI will host exclusive events across the continent focused on fostering a sense of belonging and interdependence across our rich and wise community.

Tell Us Your Story

If you are an AAI Alum would like to connect with Mr. Amoak to tell your story or know a story that we should tell, please contact him at or submit the form below: